Tuesday, April 25, 2006


A first grade teacher in the Chicago area explains to her class that she is a cubs fan.
She asks her students to raise their hands if, they too, are Cubs fans.
Everyone in the class raises their hands except one little girl.
The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and say, "Janie why didn't you raise your hand?"
"Because I'm not a Cubs fan."
The teacher asked, "Well then, if you are not a Cubs fan then who are you a fan of?"
"I am a fan of the Cardinals, and proud of it, " Janie replied.
The teacher could not believe her ears.
"Janie, why pray tell are you a Cardinals fan?"
"Because my mom is a Cardinals fan, and my dad is a Cardinals fan, so I'm a Cardinals fan too!"
"Well, " said the teacher, "that is no reason for you to be a Cardinals fan.
You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time.
What if your mom were a moron, and your dad were a moron, what would you be then?"
"then, " Janie replied, "I'd be a Cubs fan."

Monday, April 24, 2006

Unforgiven . . .

Well, after over a ten year wait I finally saw "Unforgiven" tonight. The Oscar-winning western starring Clint Eastwood and Gene Hackman. I think it was worth the wait, and an excellent story. I must say by the time he walked into the bar toward the end, I was really into it! My absolute favorite part of the movie was one line, or actually one damn word . . . When Eastwood had Hackman down on the floor and hackman yelled, "I'll see you in Hell, William Munny!" and Eastwood looked at him in only the way he can, and replied, "yeah." Then shot him dead. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

I have decided I hate watching movies alone without Paula. Of course, if she was here and doing something else, or maybe out doing something fun and I just happened to be watching alone, maybe that would be better. But with her going through so much and me worrying so much about her and being so lonely for her, nothing is the same. Including a great movie. But if you like a good western and haven't seen it, it is a good one. Makes me want to see "The Outlaw Josie Wales" and maybe even "Pale Rider" again. I love Eastwood . . . Hey, I wonder if Paula has seen Dirty Harry? Wow . . . Hello Netflix?

Paula Update for Monday 4/24

They have moved Paula to a place called Crestwood Care, which is a very sad old folks home not too far from where we live. The place is depressing, without the thought of being locked up there. The specialist treating her has a wing of one floor reserved for wound care patients he is treating. This doc is supposed to be the best, and we are trying to have faith he knows the recipe to get her leg fixed.

Well, I got to see my girl yesterday and I think it helped her spirits some. Would you believe they don't have phones in their rooms? Jeez! She is using her dad's cell phone right now for the time being. I am hoping she sees some progress in the next few days and maybe that will lift her spirits some more. Right now she still feels almost no hope.

Not much happened today, or at least not as of this writing. I will try to update often. So understand that the updates will be mixed in with my normal twisted views. I will put Paula in the subject line if you wish to skip the editorializing! Please keep praying for us.

So, you think you know me, punk?

If you have a few minutes you might be interested in taking a little test I have on whether you REALLY know me or not. Some folks should knock this out of the park, while others might struggle. Either way, it might lighten your day. It did mine. Let me know what you think! Its just 10 questions, and takes just a few minutes. Take the TEST!

  • Sunday, April 23, 2006

    My Wonderful Wife

    Paula was admitted into Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn on Tuesday for surgery on this leg wound that just will not fucking go away. One Wednesday they did a surgical debridement (many debridements have already been done previously, just not of this magnitude) and informed her that it could be 10 days before she may be able to get a skin graft surgery. Her new specialist wanted her moved to his own private facility which is housed within a local Nursing Home for more intense treatment of the wound. Late Friday evening they moved her from Christ, where she was just beginning to get acclamated to her surroundings. Christ is a nice, huge modern high-tech facility where she had her own room with a large bathroom and cable TV. She gets to the new place (which is a whole story in itself) and, shall I say, it is "rustic" to say the least? Furniture is older than I am (and thats old, man) and it was last decorated around 1990 or so. No phone in the room, a tiny bathroom, a 13 inch TV, a rickety bed and a crazy lady in the next room who moans out loud and shouts "why? why?" all the time . . .

    The thing is, this doctor is the bomb when it comes to wound care, and he says he has all the toys and the faculty at this place to get Paula fixed. Right now we just have to trust him. I will say the staff has been incredible and they have taken steps o make her more comfortable, including getting a totally different bed and such. They are very nice people.

    Well, I at least got to see her at the "new" place today and I think it helped her spirits some. It sure was nice to see her smile. I am hoping she sees some progress in the next few days and maybe that will lift her spirits some more. Right now she still feels almost no hope. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers right now, it has been tough.

    Saturday, April 15, 2006

    Ahhh, the weekend . . .

    Well, I laved lived to another Saturday, and I guess I am okay with that. We haven't heard for sure what day, but it looks Like the wife enters the hospital this coming week to try and surgically resolve the ongoing wound issue on her leg. The new specialist, Dr. William Ennis, seems to REALLY have his shit together and plans to aggressively treat Paula's leg and get some results. Right now she is so tired and discouraged she isn't sure anything will help, but I am trying to maintain hope. This has been a long road for her, and for over six months has had no end in sight. I am sincerely hoping a week from now we have something positive to report and can maybe be more hopeful for the future.

    I just hope for a quiet weekend and some rest to prepare for a hectic week ahead.

    Thursday, April 13, 2006

    Testing 1 ... 2 ... 2 and a half ...

    Trying to put up a pic! Not the newest, but it still looks like me, LOL . . . One great big sexy hunk'o man . . . If you are reading this blog, I'd imagine you already know me, and probably haven't seen me in quite some time. Well, for now this is all you get, because it may still be a while before I socialize wildly like in my earlier days . . .