Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I Am King (of My Cubicle)

In a work setting, nothing is funnier to me than watching, listening to or hearing about someone who gets an essentially meaningless title and then decides that all of a sudden they are the all-seeing master of time, space and dimension. I'm like, "hey, wait a second, dick cheese, aren't you pretty much just the king of your own little cubicle? WELL? I mean seriously, who reports to you? No matter how many mind-numbing emails or memos you send out to the masses (I curse the moron who gave today's king" the ability to send multiple addressees a single email) have you found anyone yet who gives a shit?

Well, listen up. I work in MY CUBICLE. I am KING of THIS CUBICLE. When you come up with a better way to do the ACTUAL WORK I have to get done, stop by, hold your hand out, and I will GIVE YOU A STACK OF IT. Until then, do not enter my dance space. Seriously, you can't go Pope-ing on people who aren't even Catholics, they just don't care. And if it wasn't the place where they make their bread and butter, you'd probably be able to wear your ass as a hat.

I have a message for useless leadership everywhere. I am not just King of my cubicle, I am the King of my world. And as much as my world sucks sometimes, nobody could run it as well as I do. If you were in my shoes, you wouldn't be able to get dressed in the morning, much less do all the things I do. I have as much or more education, as much or more experience, and as much or more talent as you, your boss, and probably their boss. I am pretty fucking important in my world. You aren't. I am not a pretender. I am not an ass kisser. I am not a do gooder. I am not sorry. Don't ever step outside of your cubicle and think you are King of anywhere or anything else. You just create bitterness, and look like an ass. Well, at least you are excellent at that.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurricanes and other natural disasters

Wow, Katrina really threw the U.S. for a loop. I found it puzzling how unprepared that region (and every region, I seem to think now) are ill prepared for things that happen all the time. I mean, seriously, I live in a place that has cold winters every fucking year. For months. For what seems like forever. I know I might need a coat, a heat source, a good set of tires on the car, etc. This hurricane isn't even the first hurricane to hit THIS YEAR. I understand that it was huge, and that it did amazing amounts of damage and destruction. But they said for a week the thing was coming! Hell, I move pretty slow and I could evacuate in a week! Wouldn't you have a backup plan in place already for yourself and your family? I mean, since hurricanes and shit happen all the time? And I personally don't want to live in a place where nature wipes my slate clean several times a year, or at least threatens to. I have enough problems without worrying about that!

Secondly, what the fuck is up with the lack of relief (and emergency relief) organizations for AMERICANS? We have do gooders who send millions of dollars every year to foreign countries that don't give two shits about the United States, and yet we have to have a city damn near fall into the Gulf to get some support for our own people? Every state, every county, every city, every neighborhood has people EVERY DAY who could use help. They may not get put on a TV commercial, but they are out there. The bleeding hearts are so wrapped up in helping people who will mooch off them as a way of life that they forget about the people who are right here, trying as hard as they can and struggling every day to get by. Why does it take such a disaster to get help for our own people?

I feel bad for the people that lost everything. I feel bad for everyone touched by this hurricane. I can only hope that they find safety and get back to a starting point as soon as possible. I have had to start over before, but not THAT much starting over. WOW. I say God bless them. I can only hope that this wakes people up to take better care of our own FIRST.