Friday, December 30, 2005

Goodbye, 2005 . . . Don't let the door hit ya . . .

Oh man, I am not going to take the time to moan about what a completely fucked up year this has been. Other than the love of my wife, family and friends, 2005 goes down as one of my worst years ever. Between constant pain, financial struggles and health problems, the year lagged on for what seamed like at least 15 months instead of 12. I have been trying to think of something positive to end the year with on this blog, and that is part of why its been a couple weeks since my last entry. I really will keep trying, but in general, I am not going to miss one dissappointing thing about this year. I have to look forward to 2006, it is all I can hope for. If you had a good thing happen this year, please list it here on my blog. I'd love to see entires pop in from friends and family about great thing that have happened! But I'll betcha a dollar that I don't.

2005, don't let the door hit ya in the ass on your way out . . .

Sunday, December 18, 2005

If you don't have anything good to say . . .

As usual, nothing great has happened. Not even anything funny. The holidays rapidly approach, and Paula and I are both fighting physical problems that lead to logitical problems which lead to fewer work hours, less money and more worry. Paula's got a referral to a wound care specialist on Friday, December 23rd. I am praying she not only gets some healing started, but some pain relief so she can feel a bit of comfort for a change. She has ranged from between some level of borderline agony to outright pain so bad I thought she might faint. She has routinely been getting between 3-4 hours sleep sometimes night after night. It has made her days miserable, and she still has the pain during the daytime. She has been a trooper, I must say. I think I would have went ballistic by now. She is just incredibly sad. That in turn makes me sad. Very sad.

I found out tonight one of my best friends, who I have known my whole life, passed away this week. I hadn't talked to him in a few years, but I still loved the man like family. Fred was a big influence on my life, and was fairly close friends with me during a time when few people were. He was a family friend, then my Sunday School teacher when I was in Junior High. When I was in high school and college he was always around when I needed a friend or was bored an wanted somewhere to go or someone to hang out with, and he always let me do odd jobs for extra spending money. Fred was just a good guy. No, a GREAT guy. Fred had a lot of friends and a wife and family that loved him. He was actually the current Mayor of my hometown, Roxana, Illinois, and this will be a huge loss to the village. I call my folks every Sunday afternoon, and they told me today he was buried yesterday. My heart sank. I will never forget him, he was always one of the kindest people I have known. An avid outdoorsman, he loved to hunt, mostly flying things. He also was a sports fan, a good singer, and a dedicated Christian. He had been fighting cancer off and on for ten years, but we always thought he had it beat again. Although I don't know how everything ended up, either way he was taken too soon. Fred, you will be sincerely missed.

It's times like this I miss home a lot. It is a cushion to have a loving family around and to be able at the drop of a hat to see them and spend time together. I am very close to my family, and feel the distance much more when I am sick, hurt or sad. I have had more than my share of all those in 2005, and can only hope that the new year brings new hope for Paula and I. Truly, our love and concern for each other couldn't be any better or stronger. But our physical problems have really worn down our resolve. The holidays we would normally be excited about, I mainly just want to get overwith so we can stay home and rest. And that makes me sad.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

'Tis the Season . . .

Another weekend ends, another week begins. Thanksgiving flew by and Christmas is blazing a toward me like a speeding freight train with 2006 behind it. I personally won't miss 2005, as it has been a rough year for both Paula and I. I am hoping that 2006 sees some positive changes made, and possibly better health and financial security. I also hope to get out more, work more hours, make a trip to the homeland, and perhaps have a drink with friends once or twice. Damn, aren't I a simple man? Truly, I don't demand a lot to be content, and not much more to be happy. It just seems the few things I need are not attainable for me . . .

I am thankful this year, as always, for all the people who love us, and who support us. But more than anything, thankful for Paula, who I don't know why she puts up with me, but seems to love me more each day no matter how miserable our life might be. Time for bed, but that brings on Monday, which means back out into the cold cruel world. And when I say COLD, don't get me started! I hate the weather here!