Sunday, February 25, 2007

This is Gonna be MY Year . . .

Well, after over five years or failed attemps (for one reason or another, Long story) I am finally scheduled to have a bariatric surgery (for weight loss) in about 6 weeks. The surgical team felt I was a even better candidate now than I was in late 2005 when I got within a few weeks of surgery before postponing it due to Paula's leg injury. It was put off until January 2006, but by then all Hell had broken loose on Paula's leg, she was unable to work and unable to be taking care of me had I gone through with surgery, so I cancelled my surgery. Well, the rest of 2006 is history now, and as soon as I got past the holidays I restarted my pursuit at the University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital. They have one of the best programs in the country for this type of work. I have a lot in front of me for this year, and I will try to keep friends informed via email, but will also have more personal updates and info here for those interested.

Anyway, my improved health is my main goal right now. Not my only goal, but my main one ;o)

I will keep you posted.


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