Thursday, October 27, 2005

White Sox Win!

Not having grown up in the Chicagoland area, I am a devoted St. Louis Cardinals fan. (and I once again had my hopes dashed this year by a team that trailed the Cardinals all damn year long. But in the eight plus years I have lived in this area, I have come to several conclusions about this city's teams and their fans. For starters, most games the Sox, a team in FIRST PLACE from the first FREAKIN' DAY of the season played this year had thousands of EMPTY seats, while the lowly Cubs, who struggled to stay within fifteen games of first the whole year sold out almost every day. Cub fans are dedicated. Or maybe I should say WRIGLEY STADIUM fans are dedicated. The Tribune Company (owners of the Cubs) have a goldmine in Wrigley Stadium, a place that reminds sports fans and people watchers from around the world of how things "used to be." The quaint ballbark with the majestic city backdrop draws more fans (regardless of what players are on the field) than if US Cellular Field (home of the Sox) had the Beatles and Elvis show up for a concert together.

So what do I find most funny? Not all the fair-weather Sox fans that have come out of the woodwork and bought their hat this year, LOL .. . NO! It's the crying of the Cub fans who just don't want "the other team" to win anything, whether they do or not. They sit and bitch about who deserves what and who are pretenders and, oh holy crap, anything you can think of. And whether or not it brings millions of dollars of commerce to this entire region, they remain resentful of, not happy for the White Sox. Me? I've been here eight plus years and still love the Cardinals (which means I hate the Cubs) but I root for the Sox because they are local to me now. But the bottom line is, if it was the Cubs, although I hate them (with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns) I would root for them because of what it brings to this area.

I say go Sox! It was a fun fall watching them and they played well. Got some calls, made some plays. It was great. And Cubs fans suck. Get over it. You root for whatever loser the Tribune gives you. You rooted for Sosa, even after he was exposed as a complete fraud. You missed him when he was gone! What has the joke done since? Shit, I can't hardly move and I could hit a ball out of Wrigley! Give some GOOD hitters a corked bat and get them hopped up on enough roids and they could hit it to Lake Michigan. I can still remember hearing people saying they missed him. They were stupid. Correction. They ARE stupid.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Killing Smurfs

From the AP News:
It's just another smurfy day in Smurf Village. The perpertually perky blue beings frolic around the fire, holding hands and singing that "tra-la-la-la-la-la" tune as bluebirds flutter by and rabbits hop around. A regular Smurftopia.

But then the bombs come.

Hundreds of them raining down from warplanes in the sky, wiping out the mushroom-shaped abodes. Amid the fiery explosions, Smurfette is killed. Papa Smurf disappears. As the smoke clears, only an orphaned Baby Smurf remains, sobbing among the corpses.

No, this is not some pipe dream of Gargamel. The Smurfocide was instead perpetuated by the United Nations Children's Fund, or UNICEF. UNICEF's Belgian office is using the Smurfs as the centerpiece of a new fundraising initiative to shock viewers into donating money to help children in war-torn regions. The agency also hopes to rehabilitate former child soldiers in Burundi.

Wow, what an amazingly pathetic way to kill some cartoon characters who should have been done in years ago. I hated those little bastards anyway! Man, do the little blue people have an equivalent to Rev's Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to show up in support of their rights? Let the controversy begin! Have the rights of blue people everywhere been compromised in one odd attempt to grab attention for one cause? Isn't singling out one color what all these civil rights gas bags act out against? How long before Rev's Jackson & Sharpton speak out against the abuse of the poor blue folks?

What could be next? Green people? Should we worry?