Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's Been Such A Long Time

...I think I should be going, yeah. Time doesn't wait for me, it keeps on going . . . (5 Bonus Points if you can name the song and band that lyric is from, an old favorite of mine)

Seems like a long time since my last post, mainly because I have not a damn thing positive to say, and I am struggling to even find ways to make the bullshit in my life even funny any more. Paula is still in way too much pain and is about to go crazy staying at home, and I have my usual problems and am exhausted trying to keep my "life" going.

Of course, I may be the only person who reads this, I don't know. But I am boring myself, so I can only imagine what it must be doing to you. My rock poster business is moving along, and I have some of my most recent samples up on if you would like to check them out.

Click on the "more photos" button to see my samples, let me know what you think!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tired on Thursday

Well, no good news here. Paula is still hurting, and the doctor has started her on morphine extended release to try and battle it more agressively. My pain isn't great either, but I am used to not great. My work life has been going alright, we are upgrading our ad manaement system and experiencing some "growing pains" with that currently. Lots of people at work up in arms over upcoming retirements/layoffs etc., but I don't really fear that. Plenty of work to do, and we are very capable at our profession.

Man, my ass is draggin' tonight. Looking forward to the weekend. Hoping for a haircut, I look like freaking Robbie Benson circa 1981. (only heavier) I told Paula that its coming off one way or another, LOL . . .