What a Weekend!
Well, I had an excellent, but exhausting weekend. My parents came through town and I spent Saturday with them, out and about in the 95+ degree heat. The highlight being a nice lunch at our favorite Thai restaurant which my wife's parents were abole to join us. My folks had never eaten Thai food, (but love chinese food, which I turned them on to over 20 years ago) so it was a pleasant adventure for them! The only real problem was IF the joint had air conditioning, we couldn't much tell. It was a little like sitting in the car to eat, only you were in the shade and it was 95 outside. As long as we sat perfectly still, and thought cool thoughts, we could maintain just a thin layer of sweat over your entire body. We asked the woman waiting on us to check the thermostat, but we weren't sure where that got us . . . I was motioning "turn it to the left!" JEEZ . . . Other than that it was a nice weekend, and great to see my folks. (It had been over two years) Being out and about both days of a weekend in all that heat really took it out of us . . . I wish we had another day off to recover!