Monday, January 01, 2007

SO . . . Just Who Is This Guy?

I have been asked a few times recently just who is this person writing this blog now anyway? LOL . . . I know it seems hard to believe, but it is indeed me, Jim. No I am not heavily medicated, nor am I smoking dope (although I'd consider it). I just have came to realize that life is short, the people and things you truly love are few and far between, and enjoy what you little you have, because you could always end up with less.

I still hate most things and think that the country is going to hell in a handbasket. I still hate liberals and wish that the "illegal immigration situation" would be dealt with by closing down the businesses and people who employ and house illegals, not by going after the illegals themselves. I still think we have enough poor, homeless and sick people in our own country that we need not worry about a soul on foreign soil until all of our folks are provided for. I still fucking HATE to press ONE for mother fucking ENGLISH. I still HATE listening to people moan about the state of our country and then blame George Bush for all of our shortcomings. Do they really think he has that much power? Was everything wonderful before he got into office? Don't they know his only power is to VETO a decision by Congress and Senate, and even then they can still overturn his decision? ONE MAN has not been in control of this country since we declared independence in 1776! Thats why the fuck they did it! I am so tired of stupid people I could puke! I am tired of slackers, clock watchers and people who challenge new methods. I am tired of excuses for not being proficient. I am tired of quotas and even more tired of special interest groups and worrying about everybody's RIGHTS but MINE. Hey, FUCK THEM. When does somebody give a crap about ME?!?!?!

Now, that being said, are there still questions? Good. Thanks, and have a wonderful day!
