Saturday, July 30, 2005

RE: Hello Out There (from 7/20/05)

Well, I landed the gig I mentioned previously doing a poster for the rock band! I sent the first proof today. I also landed a second show promoter who is hosting their first big 3 band show and wants a poster designed for it. I am very excited about being able to do this kind of work. It combines one of my passions in with something I am able to do. I really would like for these posters (or flyers, you would say) will lead to even more. I love this stuff!

Addicted to Pain Killers

I can now TOTALLY understand how people (especially people in the public eye like athletes and music/movie/television stars) can get hooked on medications for pain. I have been suffering for six months with knee (and some back) pain that has been at times just unbarable. I have missed work, worked shorter days, missed almost all social invitations, and even turned away freelance work I can do at home on some occasions. I have taken prescription strength ibuprofen for several years just to get through regular days. In the past I have used Vicodin/Hydrocodone, Lidocaine and other pain meds at one point or another (including Bextra, Vioxx, Ultram, Tramidol and others) to seek relief.

I do everything I can now to just live with the pain and stick to the ibuprofen. I keep vicodin around for the really bad times. Problem is by the time I hurt that much, sometimes it feels like nothing helps. Thankfully, I have a very understanding wife, family, set of friends, and co-workers. All seem supportive and understanding of my bad situation. But what about these people who are expected to perform at a high level, day in and day out, and do it for the world to see on television?

I know what it is like to wake up after an eight hour sleep and hurt before I get out of bed. Then it hurts so much to stand up that I need to sit down again for a moment at the end of the bed to gather myself a bit before I can walk into the bathroom. I am talking PAIN. And in general, I can handle more pain that the average guy could ever dream of! I can't imagine if I had 50,000 people coming to see me perform who had planned their day, their weekend, their whole vacation or whatever around me being able to show up and perform as well as I always have, and not realizing what I am going through physically.

I never used to feel for those people. I do now. I truly wish that the human body had an external pain-o-meter that showed how you REALLY felt no matter how you looked or acted, and that everyone could see and undertstand, "Oh wow, his pain level is at a NINE again today, poor guy." I can't imagine being a quarterback or a lead singer of a touring band or a television star with a 14 hour a day shooting schedule and having to deal with the pain I am feeling. I am not kidding, I can see why people pop vicodins like they are fucking Pez and why they have doctors shoot them so full of anything else they can get their hands on to get them through their next performance.

Do I like it? No. Do I understand how it could happen? I sure do now. I won't even leave the house until I know that my wife and I both have pain meds available in case we need extra. Do I hate it? YES. Do I feel addicted? Not really, but only because I don't feel 100% relief when using the drugs. It isn't like being able to get so high and numb your problems smooth away for a while . . . We are talking more like ibuprofen is like peeing on an blazing fire and the vicodin is more like having a bucket to battle an inferno. But for people who are in supreme condition that have an injury that a painkiller like vicodin really will help them deal with their pain enough that they can still perform . . . I can totally understand how they would get dependant on it.

Addiction is the wrong word many times because it says "abuse." A diabetic taking insulin each day isn't considered an addict. Now shooting insulin in bulk because you like the rush is a different story. All I am saying is, I never understood it before. I never thought about it. I do think about it now. I feel for them. If I had the expectations put on me that many people in the public eye have, I'd be screwed. This knee pain has almost wrecked my life. If it weren't for a lot of love from almost everyone I am in contact with, I would be a complete wreck. And I mean wreck. I don't remember the last time I enjoyed anything for more than 45 minutes. I can't sit, stand, walk or lay down in one position very long before I start hurting.

Anyway, if you took the time to read this, thanks. I ask that you think about it before you knock someone who is hurting. It isn't fun, and it doesn't always show on their outside. And for those people close to me, thank you for the love. I know we are on the right track, and I will find a way to make things better.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

We Made It!

Regarding the logo design contest for the 100th anniversary of our company in 2006, both Paula and I had designs selected as finalists for the contest. Now the entire company has two weeks to vote on the winner. Of over 60 entries, they selected nine designs as finalists, and three of those nine were ours. Woohoo! (Two were Paula's, one mine) I was just really proud we both made it that far. We are up against some good competition but look forward to seeing who wins. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hello out there . . .

Boy, have I been stepping outside my graphic design box lately . . . Not only did I enter three designs into our company's anniversary logo contest (as did my wife) but I also submitted two poster designs to an area rock band in hopes of getting an opportunity to help them promote upcoming shows.

Woohoo! We find out tomorrow what designs (over 60 were submitted from throughout the company) will be finalists for the company-wide vote to select the winning design. Paula and I are just hopeful one of our designs makes it into the final round. We will know soon!

I am also very hopeful of being able to work with this rock band. I would love it. I hope to know something about that soon as well, as I have been in email contact with them about my interest in designing for them.

I will keep you posted here. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Live 8 Concert Coverage on VH1

I know this happened over a week ago, but it still burns my ass . . .

I am not going to explain Live 8 here, lets just say it was a series of big concerts like Live Aid was back in 1985. The big thing about this event, the BIG THING, was that Pink Floyd was going to reunite for a four song set, and it would be their first appearance together since 1983. An amazing reunion for millions of fans around the world. . .

I TIVO'd the afternoon show because I knew Floyd was going to be on and I didn't really want to suffer through all the other crap if I didn't have to, LOL. I took a nap. Middle of nap, phone rings . .. It is my buddy Tom, a huge fan of the band, blasting on and on about VH1 are idiots and they ruined this and that and I was sleepy and not understanding, told him I had TIVO'd and would call him later . . . So I watched to see what his disdain was about . . .

The set was amazing. They started with "Breath" followed by "Money" and "Wish You Were Here." Their final song was "Comfortably Numb" from their album "The Wall." The crowd (and viewers around the world) were totally into the performance. They were just coming to the chorus when two VH1 jockeys popped onto the screen and started yammering on about "You are witnessing history here on VH1 . .." I wanted to kick the tube out of my damn television! I WAS witnessing history, now I am listening to two idiots trying to tell me this is history! What the fuck were they thinking?!?!?!? Just as my violent side started to surface, they cut back to the concert for the ending of the song and giant applause.

I could not believe it . . .

What in the hell were they thinking? I am still bitching about it almost two weeks later. I say, hey thanks for the free coverage of the show, YES. But keep your senses about you, will ya?

Wait five minutes, after the applause dies down, then begin your useless banter. PLEASE.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Did I mention heat SUCKS?

I can't remember the last time the Chicago area had this much heat on so many consecutive days. Wow. Yesterday we finally got a bit if rain, not enough that I even saw it, just enough to leave some spots on the car to annoy me. I have been here 8 years now, and this is about as hot and dry as I can remember. Why do people like this weather? EVER?

Thankfully, my employer seems to have finally got the air onditioning figured out, and our workplace is kept pretty cool. In years past it ranged from incredibly hot to crowed closet with no air movement for days. Now it is delightful to see all the wee people running around moaning about it being too cold. They need to put on another layer of clothes and eat a sandwich . . .

Anyway, only thing I like about summer is you don't have to shovel rain, and it usually isn't slick enough to worry about falling down and breaking my ass... Other than that, you can keep it!

Bring on the FALL!