Friday, February 03, 2006

TGIF 2.0

So WTF does that mean? Your guess is a sgood as mine. Basically just another version of TGIF I guess . .. Or maybe what I think my day is going to be like on a 10 scale. I almost came unglued yesterday at the office and today has the look of another brain buster. I love what I do, but it has challenges that try my patience on a regular basis. Mainly changes upon changes to layout and content right up to and beyond deadline, and soemtimes way beyond deadline. It is traditional on Friday that the imaging room at the press plant will have to call me do find out when in the hell they are getting certain items from me. Everyone who works with me suffers a similar situation, it is part of what we do. It just doesn't keep it from agitating me.

I have been having more than enough pain lately, and the end of the week is the worst. Back and knee pain are a bitch. Do yourself a favor and don't get old. And if you insist on getting old, don't gain weight. If you insist on gaining weight, well . . . Prepare yourself for pain like you have never known. The joy!

Okay, to end on a good note. Super Bowl is this weekend. Next weekend racing begins. And NEXT Friday is payday. All good.


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