Saturday, August 12, 2006

And Again . . .

Still no news to report on Paula. They are treating the wound and re-seating the wound-vac (now with six ports instead of four) every Mon-Wed-Fri. They have not given us a timeline on the next skin graft. I am hoping to hear that this coming week. Paula is still in a lot of pain, and is very discouraged. I had a cellulitis flareup this past week but fortunately seem to have avoided the hospital again. Sunday & Monday were incredibly painful and scary, but by Tuesday the fever subsided and the antibiotics started getting control of things again. I missed a few days work, but thankfully I have had a pretty good year attendance-wise, considering everything we have been through.

I will update via email as soon as I know anything worth sharing. For right now, I just ask you keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I am doing my best to stay positive, although it is not my nature. I am living proof that yes, things CAN always get worse...


Blogger Chicago Socialista said...

I think you're also proof that hope is never wasted. ((HUGS))

Thanks for updating us.


4:01 PM  

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